interplot Documentation and API reference¶
Create matplotlib/plotly hybrid plots with a few lines of code.
It combines the best of the matplotlib and the plotly worlds through a unified, flat API. All the necessary boilerplate code is contained in this module.
Currently supported:
line plots (scatter)
line fills
linear regression
text annotations
2D subplots
color cycling
The core Plot class¶
- class interplot.Plot(interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None)¶
Create matplotlib/plotly hybrid plots with a few lines of code.
It combines the best of the matplotlib and the plotly worlds through a unified, flat API. All the necessary boilerplate code is contained in this module.
Currently supported:
line plots (scatter)
line fills
linear regression
text annotations
2D subplots
color cycling
- Parameters:
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
>>> fig = interplot.Plot( ... interactive=True, ... title="Everything Under Control", ... fig_size=(800, 500), ... rows=1, ... cols=2, ... shared_yaxes=True, ... save_fig=True, ... save_format=("html", "png"), ... # ... ... ) ... fig.add_hist(np.random.normal(1, 0.5, 1000), row=0, col=0) ... fig.add_boxplot( ... [ ... np.random.normal(20, 5, 1000), ... np.random.normal(40, 8, 1000), ... np.random.normal(60, 5, 1000), ... ], ... row=0, ... col=1, ... ) ... # ... ... fig.post_process() ... saved figure at Everything-Under-Control.html saved figure at Everything-Under-Control.png
(*args, **kwargs)Calls the or self.plot() method.
(x[, y, horizontal, width, label, ...])Draw a bar plot.
(x[, horizontal, label, ...])Draw a boxplot.
(x, y1[, y2, label, show_legend, ...])Draw a fill between two y lines.
(data[, lim, aspect, invert_x, ...])Draw a heatmap.
([x, y, bins, density, label, ...])Draw a histogram.
(x[, y, x_error, y_error, mode, ...])Draw a line or scatter plot.
(x[, y, x_error, y_error, ...])Draw a line or scatter plot.
(x[, y, p, linspace])Draw a linear regression plot.
(x[, y, x_error, y_error, mode, ...])Draw a line or scatter plot.
(x, y, text[, horizontal_alignment, ...])Draw text.
([color, alpha, increment])Parse color with matplotlib.colors to a rgba array.
(marker, mode, interactive[, ...])Digests the marker parameter based on the given mode.
([increment, i])Retrieves the next color in the color cycle.
(fig, *args, **kwargs)Initialize a Plot instance, if not already initialized.
([pty_update_layout, ...])Finish the plot.
(path[, export_format, print_confirm])Save the plot.
()Show the plot.
- static init(fig, *args, **kwargs)¶
Initialize a Plot instance, if not already initialized.
- Parameters:
- fig: Plot or any
If fig is a Plot instance, return it. Otherwise, create a new Plot instance.
- *args, **kwargs: any
Passed to Plot.__init__.
- get_cycle_color(increment=1, i=None)¶
Retrieves the next color in the color cycle.
- Parameters:
- increment: int, optional
If the same color should be returned the next time, pass 0. To jump the next color, pass 2. Default: 1
- i: int, optional
Get a fixed index of the color cycle instead of the next one. This will not modify the regular color cycle iteration.
- Returns:
- color: str
HEX color, with leading hashtag
- digest_color(color=None, alpha=None, increment=1)¶
Parse color with matplotlib.colors to a rgba array.
- Parameters:
- color: any color format matplotlib accepts, optional
E.g. “blue”, “#0000ff”, “C3” If None is provided, the next one from COLOR_CYCLE will be picked.
- alpha: float, optional
Set alpha / opacity. Overrides alpha contained in color input. Default: None (use the value contained in color or default to 1)
- increment: int, optional
If a color from the cycler is picked, increase the cycler by this increment.
- static digest_marker(marker, mode, interactive, recursive=False, **pty_marker_kwargs)¶
Digests the marker parameter based on the given mode.
- Parameters:
- marker: int or str
The marker to be digested. If an integer is provided, it is converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker “circle” is used.
- mode: str
The mode to determine if markers should be used. If no markers should be drawn, None is returned.
- Returns:
- str or None
The digested marker string if markers are requested, otherwise None.
- add_line(x, y=None, x_error=None, y_error=None, mode=None, line_style='solid', marker=None, marker_size=None, marker_line_width=1, marker_line_color=None, label=None, show_legend=None, color=None, opacity=None, linewidth=None, row=0, col=0, _serial_i=0, _serial_n=1, pty_marker_kwargs=None, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a line or scatter plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only x is defined, it will be assumed as y. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as x. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. Else x will be an increment, starting from 0. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column.
- x_error, y_error: number or shape(N,) or shape(2, N), optional
- The errorbar sizes (matplotlib style):
scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper errors.
None: No errorbar.
- mode: str, optional
Options: lines / lines+markers / markers
- The default depends on the method called:
add_line: lines
add_scatter: markers
add_linescatter: lines+markers
- line_style: str, optional
Line style. Options: solid, dashed, dotted, dashdot
Aliases: -, –, dash, :, dot, -.
- marker: int or str, optional
Marker style. If an integer is provided, it will be converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker circle is used.
- marker_size: int, optional
- marker_line_width: int, optional
- marker_line_color: str, optional
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
Default: same color as color.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- pty_marker_kwargs: dict, optional
Additional marker arguments.
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
Using the interplot.Plot method:
>>> fig = interplot.Plot(title="line, linescatter and scatter") ... fig.add_line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8]) ... fig.add_linescatter([0,4,6,7], [8,4,2,1]) ... fig.add_scatter([0,4,6,7], [2,4,4,2], ) ... fig.post_process() ...
[plotly figure, “line, linescatter and scatter”]
Using interplot.line:
>>> interplot.line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8])
>>> interplot.line( ... x=[0,4,6,7], ... y=[1,2,4,8], ... interactive=False, ... color="red", ... title="matplotlib static figure", ... xlabel="abscissa", ... ylabel="ordinate", ... )
- add_scatter(x, y=None, x_error=None, y_error=None, mode=None, line_style='solid', marker=None, marker_size=None, marker_line_width=1, marker_line_color=None, label=None, show_legend=None, color=None, opacity=None, linewidth=None, row=0, col=0, _serial_i=0, _serial_n=1, pty_marker_kwargs=None, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a line or scatter plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only x is defined, it will be assumed as y. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as x. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. Else x will be an increment, starting from 0. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column.
- x_error, y_error: number or shape(N,) or shape(2, N), optional
- The errorbar sizes (matplotlib style):
scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper errors.
None: No errorbar.
- mode: str, optional
Options: lines / lines+markers / markers
- The default depends on the method called:
add_line: lines
add_scatter: markers
add_linescatter: lines+markers
- line_style: str, optional
Line style. Options: solid, dashed, dotted, dashdot
Aliases: -, –, dash, :, dot, -.
- marker: int or str, optional
Marker style. If an integer is provided, it will be converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker circle is used.
- marker_size: int, optional
- marker_line_width: int, optional
- marker_line_color: str, optional
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
Default: same color as color.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- pty_marker_kwargs: dict, optional
Additional marker arguments.
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
Using the interplot.Plot method:
>>> fig = interplot.Plot(title="line, linescatter and scatter") ... fig.add_line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8]) ... fig.add_linescatter([0,4,6,7], [8,4,2,1]) ... fig.add_scatter([0,4,6,7], [2,4,4,2], ) ... fig.post_process() ...
[plotly figure, “line, linescatter and scatter”]
Using interplot.line:
>>> interplot.line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8])
>>> interplot.line( ... x=[0,4,6,7], ... y=[1,2,4,8], ... interactive=False, ... color="red", ... title="matplotlib static figure", ... xlabel="abscissa", ... ylabel="ordinate", ... )
- add_linescatter(x, y=None, x_error=None, y_error=None, mode=None, line_style='solid', marker=None, marker_size=None, marker_line_width=1, marker_line_color=None, label=None, show_legend=None, color=None, opacity=None, linewidth=None, row=0, col=0, _serial_i=0, _serial_n=1, pty_marker_kwargs=None, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a line or scatter plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only x is defined, it will be assumed as y. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as x. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. Else x will be an increment, starting from 0. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column.
- x_error, y_error: number or shape(N,) or shape(2, N), optional
- The errorbar sizes (matplotlib style):
scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper errors.
None: No errorbar.
- mode: str, optional
Options: lines / lines+markers / markers
- The default depends on the method called:
add_line: lines
add_scatter: markers
add_linescatter: lines+markers
- line_style: str, optional
Line style. Options: solid, dashed, dotted, dashdot
Aliases: -, –, dash, :, dot, -.
- marker: int or str, optional
Marker style. If an integer is provided, it will be converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker circle is used.
- marker_size: int, optional
- marker_line_width: int, optional
- marker_line_color: str, optional
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
Default: same color as color.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- pty_marker_kwargs: dict, optional
Additional marker arguments.
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
Using the interplot.Plot method:
>>> fig = interplot.Plot(title="line, linescatter and scatter") ... fig.add_line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8]) ... fig.add_linescatter([0,4,6,7], [8,4,2,1]) ... fig.add_scatter([0,4,6,7], [2,4,4,2], ) ... fig.post_process() ...
[plotly figure, “line, linescatter and scatter”]
Using interplot.line:
>>> interplot.line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8])
>>> interplot.line( ... x=[0,4,6,7], ... y=[1,2,4,8], ... interactive=False, ... color="red", ... title="matplotlib static figure", ... xlabel="abscissa", ... ylabel="ordinate", ... )
- add_bar(x, y=None, horizontal=False, width=0.8, label=None, show_legend=None, color=None, opacity=None, line_width=1, line_color=None, row=0, col=0, _serial_i=0, _serial_n=1, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a bar plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only either x or y is defined, it will be assumed as the size of the bar, regardless whether it’s horizontal or vertical. If both x and y are defined, x will be taken as the position of the bar, and y as the size, regardless of the orientation. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as the position. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column, with the index as the position.
- horizontal: bool, optional
If True, the bars are drawn horizontally. Default is False.
- width: float, optional
Relative width of the bar. Must be in the range (0, 1).
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- line_width: float, optional
The width of the bar outline. Default is 1.
- line_color: str, optional
The color of the bar outline. This can be a named color or a tuple specifying the RGB values.
By default, the same color as the fill is used.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- add_hist(x=None, y=None, bins=None, density=False, label=None, show_legend=None, color=None, opacity=None, row=0, col=0, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a histogram.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
Histogram data.
- bins: int, optional
Number of bins. If undefined, plotly/matplotlib will detect automatically. Default: None
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, default: 0
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the hist core method.
- add_boxplot(x, horizontal=False, label=None, show_legend=None, color=None, color_median='black', opacity=None, notch=True, row=0, col=0, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a boxplot.
- Parameters:
- x: array or sequence of vectors
Data to build boxplot from.
- horizontal: bool, default: False
Show boxplot horizontally.
- label: tuple of strs, optional
Trace labels for legend.
- color: tuple of strs, optional
Fill colors.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- color_median: color, default: “black”
MPL only. Color of the median line.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the boxplot core method.
- add_heatmap(data, lim=(None, None), aspect=1, invert_x=False, invert_y=False, cmap='rainbow', cmap_under=None, cmap_over=None, cmap_bad=None, row=0, col=0, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a heatmap.
- Parameters:
- data: 2D array-like
2D data to show heatmap.
- lim: list/tuple of 2x float, optional
Lower and upper limits of the color map.
- aspect: float, default: 1
Aspect ratio of the axes.
- invert_x, invert_y: bool, optional
Invert the axes directions. Default: False
- cmap: str, default: “rainbow”
Color map to use. Note: Not all cmaps are available for both libraries, and may differ slightly.
- cmap_under, cmap_over, cmap_bad: str, optional
Colors to display if under/over range or a pixel is invalid, e.g. in case of np.nan. cmap_bad is not available for interactive plotly plots.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the heatmap core method.
- add_regression(x, y=None, p=0.05, linspace=101, **kwargs)¶
Draw a linear regression plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like or `interplot.arraytools.LinearRegression` instance
X axis data, or pre-existing LinearRegression instance.
- y: array-like, optional
Y axis data. If a LinearRegression instance is provided for x, y can be omitted and will be ignored.
- p: float, default: 0.05
- linspace: int, default: 101
Number of data points for linear regression model and conficence and prediction intervals.
- kwargs:
Keyword arguments for interplot.arraytools.LinearRegression.plot.
- add_fill(x, y1, y2=None, label=None, show_legend=False, mode='lines', color=None, opacity=0.5, line_width=0.0, line_opacity=1.0, line_color=None, row=0, col=0, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a fill between two y lines.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y1, y2: array-like, optional
If only x and y1 is defined, it will be assumed as y1 and y2, and x will be the index, starting from 0.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- color, line_color: str, optional
Fill and line color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
If line_color is undefined, the the fill color will be used.
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity, line_opacity: float, default: 0.5
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
Set to None to use a value provided with the color argument.
- line_width: float, default: 0.
Boundary line width.
- row, col: int, default: 0
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the fill core method.
- add_text(x, y, text, horizontal_alignment='center', vertical_alignment='center', text_alignment=None, data_coords=None, x_data_coords=True, y_data_coords=True, color='black', opacity=None, row=0, col=0, kwargs_pty=None, kwargs_mpl=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw text.
- Parameters:
- x, y: float
Coordinates of the text.
- text: str
Text to add.
- horizontal_alignment, vertical_alignment: str, default: “center”
Where the coordinates of the text box anchor.
- Options for horizontal_alignment:
- Options for vertical_alignment:
- text_alignment: str, optional
Set how text is aligned inside its box.
If left undefined, horizontal_alignment will be used.
- data_coords: bool, default: True
Whether the x, y coordinates are provided in data coordinates or in relation to the axes.
If set to False, x, y should be in the range (0, 1). If data_coords is set, it will override x_data_coords and y_data_coords.
- x_data_coords, y_data_coords: bool, default: True
PTY only. Specify the anchor for each axis separate.
- color: str, default: “black”
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- post_process(pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None)¶
Finish the plot.
- Parameters:
- Note: If not provided, the parameters given on init will be used.
- pty_update_layout: dict, optional
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over Default: None
- pty_custom_func: function, optional
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
Default: None
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, optional
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Default: None
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax.do_more() ... return fig, ax
- save(path, export_format=None, print_confirm=True, **kwargs)¶
Save the plot.
- Parameters:
- path: str, pathlib.Path, bool
May point to a directory or a filename. If only a directory is provided (or True for local directory), the filename will automatically be generated from the plot title.
An iterable of multiple paths may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- export_format: str, optional
If the format is not indicated in the file name, specify a format.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- print_confirm: bool, optional
Print a confirmation message where the file has been saved. Default: True
- Returns:
- pathlib.Path
Path to the exported file.
- show()¶
Show the plot.
- _repr_mimebundle_(*args, **kwargs)¶
Call forward to
- _repr_html_()¶
Call forward to
One-line Plotting¶
- interplot.line(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a line or scatter plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only x is defined, it will be assumed as y. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as x. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. Else x will be an increment, starting from 0. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column.
- x_error, y_error: number or shape(N,) or shape(2, N), optional
- The errorbar sizes (matplotlib style):
scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper errors.
None: No errorbar.
- mode: str, optional
Options: lines / lines+markers / markers
- The default depends on the method called:
add_line: lines
add_scatter: markers
add_linescatter: lines+markers
- line_style: str, optional
Line style. Options: solid, dashed, dotted, dashdot
Aliases: -, –, dash, :, dot, -.
- marker: int or str, optional
Marker style. If an integer is provided, it will be converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker circle is used.
- marker_size: int, optional
- marker_line_width: int, optional
- marker_line_color: str, optional
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
Default: same color as color.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- pty_marker_kwargs: dict, optional
Additional marker arguments.
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
Using the interplot.Plot method:
>>> fig = interplot.Plot(title="line, linescatter and scatter") ... fig.add_line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8]) ... fig.add_linescatter([0,4,6,7], [8,4,2,1]) ... fig.add_scatter([0,4,6,7], [2,4,4,2], ) ... fig.post_process() ...
[plotly figure, “line, linescatter and scatter”]
Using interplot.line:
>>> interplot.line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8])
>>> interplot.line( ... x=[0,4,6,7], ... y=[1,2,4,8], ... interactive=False, ... color="red", ... title="matplotlib static figure", ... xlabel="abscissa", ... ylabel="ordinate", ... )
- interplot.scatter(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a line or scatter plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only x is defined, it will be assumed as y. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as x. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. Else x will be an increment, starting from 0. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column.
- x_error, y_error: number or shape(N,) or shape(2, N), optional
- The errorbar sizes (matplotlib style):
scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper errors.
None: No errorbar.
- mode: str, optional
Options: lines / lines+markers / markers
- The default depends on the method called:
add_line: lines
add_scatter: markers
add_linescatter: lines+markers
- line_style: str, optional
Line style. Options: solid, dashed, dotted, dashdot
Aliases: -, –, dash, :, dot, -.
- marker: int or str, optional
Marker style. If an integer is provided, it will be converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker circle is used.
- marker_size: int, optional
- marker_line_width: int, optional
- marker_line_color: str, optional
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
Default: same color as color.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- pty_marker_kwargs: dict, optional
Additional marker arguments.
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
Using the interplot.Plot method:
>>> fig = interplot.Plot(title="line, linescatter and scatter") ... fig.add_line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8]) ... fig.add_linescatter([0,4,6,7], [8,4,2,1]) ... fig.add_scatter([0,4,6,7], [2,4,4,2], ) ... fig.post_process() ...
[plotly figure, “line, linescatter and scatter”]
Using interplot.line:
>>> interplot.line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8])
>>> interplot.line( ... x=[0,4,6,7], ... y=[1,2,4,8], ... interactive=False, ... color="red", ... title="matplotlib static figure", ... xlabel="abscissa", ... ylabel="ordinate", ... )
- interplot.linescatter(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a line or scatter plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only x is defined, it will be assumed as y. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as x. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. Else x will be an increment, starting from 0. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column.
- x_error, y_error: number or shape(N,) or shape(2, N), optional
- The errorbar sizes (matplotlib style):
scalar: Symmetric +/- values for all data points.
shape(N,): Symmetric +/-values for each data point.
- shape(2, N): Separate - and + values for each bar. First row
contains the lower errors, the second row contains the upper errors.
None: No errorbar.
- mode: str, optional
Options: lines / lines+markers / markers
- The default depends on the method called:
add_line: lines
add_scatter: markers
add_linescatter: lines+markers
- line_style: str, optional
Line style. Options: solid, dashed, dotted, dashdot
Aliases: -, –, dash, :, dot, -.
- marker: int or str, optional
Marker style. If an integer is provided, it will be converted to the corresponding string marker using plotly numbering. If not provided, the default marker circle is used.
- marker_size: int, optional
- marker_line_width: int, optional
- marker_line_color: str, optional
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
Default: same color as color.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- pty_marker_kwargs: dict, optional
Additional marker arguments.
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
Using the interplot.Plot method:
>>> fig = interplot.Plot(title="line, linescatter and scatter") ... fig.add_line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8]) ... fig.add_linescatter([0,4,6,7], [8,4,2,1]) ... fig.add_scatter([0,4,6,7], [2,4,4,2], ) ... fig.post_process() ...
[plotly figure, “line, linescatter and scatter”]
Using interplot.line:
>>> interplot.line([0,4,6,7], [1,2,4,8])
>>> interplot.line( ... x=[0,4,6,7], ... y=[1,2,4,8], ... interactive=False, ... color="red", ... title="matplotlib static figure", ... xlabel="abscissa", ... ylabel="ordinate", ... )
-*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a bar plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y: array-like, optional
If only either x or y is defined, it will be assumed as the size of the bar, regardless whether it’s horizontal or vertical. If both x and y are defined, x will be taken as the position of the bar, and y as the size, regardless of the orientation. If a pandas Series is provided, the index will be taken as the position. Else if a pandas DataFrame is provided, the method call is looped for each column. If a 2D numpy array is provided, the method call is looped for each column, with the index as the position.
- horizontal: bool, optional
If True, the bars are drawn horizontally. Default is False.
- width: float, optional
Relative width of the bar. Must be in the range (0, 1).
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- show_legend: bool, optional
Whether to show the label in the legend.
By default, it will be shown if a label is defined.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- line_width: float, optional
The width of the bar outline. Default is 1.
- line_color: str, optional
The color of the bar outline. This can be a named color or a tuple specifying the RGB values.
By default, the same color as the fill is used.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
- interplot.hist(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a histogram.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
Histogram data.
- bins: int, optional
Number of bins. If undefined, plotly/matplotlib will detect automatically. Default: None
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- color: str, optional
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, default: 0
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the hist core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
- interplot.boxplot(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a boxplot.
- Parameters:
- x: array or sequence of vectors
Data to build boxplot from.
- horizontal: bool, default: False
Show boxplot horizontally.
- label: tuple of strs, optional
Trace labels for legend.
- color: tuple of strs, optional
Fill colors.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- color_median: color, default: “black”
MPL only. Color of the median line.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the boxplot core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
- interplot.heatmap(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a heatmap.
- Parameters:
- data: 2D array-like
2D data to show heatmap.
- lim: list/tuple of 2x float, optional
Lower and upper limits of the color map.
- aspect: float, default: 1
Aspect ratio of the axes.
- invert_x, invert_y: bool, optional
Invert the axes directions. Default: False
- cmap: str, default: “rainbow”
Color map to use. Note: Not all cmaps are available for both libraries, and may differ slightly.
- cmap_under, cmap_over, cmap_bad: str, optional
Colors to display if under/over range or a pixel is invalid, e.g. in case of np.nan. cmap_bad is not available for interactive plotly plots.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the heatmap core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
- interplot.regression(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a linear regression plot.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like or `interplot.arraytools.LinearRegression` instance
X axis data, or pre-existing LinearRegression instance.
- y: array-like, optional
Y axis data. If a LinearRegression instance is provided for x, y can be omitted and will be ignored.
- p: float, default: 0.05
- linspace: int, default: 101
Number of data points for linear regression model and conficence and prediction intervals.
- kwargs:
Keyword arguments for interplot.arraytools.LinearRegression.plot.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
- interplot.fill(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw a fill between two y lines.
- Parameters:
- x: array-like
- y1, y2: array-like, optional
If only x and y1 is defined, it will be assumed as y1 and y2, and x will be the index, starting from 0.
- label: str, optional
Trace label for legend.
- color, line_color: str, optional
Fill and line color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
If line_color is undefined, the the fill color will be used.
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity, line_opacity: float, default: 0.5
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
Set to None to use a value provided with the color argument.
- line_width: float, default: 0.
Boundary line width.
- row, col: int, default: 0
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the fill core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
- interplot.text(*args, interactive=None, rows=1, cols=1, fig=None, skip_post_process=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, column_widths=None, row_heights=None, fig_size=None, dpi=None, legend_loc=None, legend_title=None, save_fig=None, save_format=None, save_config=None, pty_update_layout=None, pty_custom_func=None, mpl_custom_func=None, **kwargs)¶
Draw text.
- Parameters:
- x, y: float
Coordinates of the text.
- text: str
Text to add.
- horizontal_alignment, vertical_alignment: str, default: “center”
Where the coordinates of the text box anchor.
- Options for horizontal_alignment:
- Options for vertical_alignment:
- text_alignment: str, optional
Set how text is aligned inside its box.
If left undefined, horizontal_alignment will be used.
- data_coords: bool, default: True
Whether the x, y coordinates are provided in data coordinates or in relation to the axes.
If set to False, x, y should be in the range (0, 1). If data_coords is set, it will override x_data_coords and y_data_coords.
- x_data_coords, y_data_coords: bool, default: True
PTY only. Specify the anchor for each axis separate.
- color: str, default: “black”
Trace color.
Can be hex, rgb(a) or any named color that is understood by matplotlib.
The color cycle can be accessed with “C0”, “C1”, …
Default: color is retrieved from Plot.digest_color, which cycles through COLOR_CYCLE.
- opacity: float, optional
Opacity (=alpha) of the fill.
By default, fallback to alpha value provided with color argument, or 1.
- row, col: int, optional
If the plot contains a grid, provide the coordinates.
Attention: Indexing starts with 0!
- kwargs_pty, kwargs_mpl, **kwargs: optional
Pass specific keyword arguments to the line core method.
- interactive: bool, default: True
Display an interactive plotly line plot instead of the default matplotlib figure.
- rows, cols: int, default: 1
Create a grid with x rows and y columns.
- title: str, default: None
Plot title.
- xlabel, ylabel: str or str tuple, default: None
Axis labels.
Either one title for the entire axis or one for each row/column.
- xlim, ylim: tuple of 2 numbers or nested, default: None
Axis range limits.
- In case of multiple rows/cols provide either:
a tuple
a tuple for each row
a tuple for each row containing tuple for each column.
- shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes: str, default: None
Define how multiple subplots share there axes.
- Options:
“all” or True
“columns” or “cols”
None or False
- column_widths, row_heights: tuple/list, default: None
Ratios of the width/height dimensions in each column/row. Will be normalised to a sum of 1.
- fig_size: tuple of 2x float, optional
Figure size in pixels.
- Default behavior:
MPL: Default figure size.
PLT: Responsive sizing.
- dpi: int, default: 100
Plot resolution.
- legend_loc: str, optional
- Default:
In case of 1 line: None
In case of >1 line: “best” (auto-detect)
- legend_title: str, default: None
MPL: Each subplot has its own legend, so a 2d list in the shape of the subplots may be provided.
PTY: Just provide a str.
- save_fig: str or pathlib.Path, default: None
Provide a path to export the plot.
Possible formats: png, jpg, svg, html, …
The figure will only be saved on calling the instance’s .post_process().
If a directory (or True for local directory) is provided, the filename will be automatically generated based on the title.
An iterable of multiple paths / filenames may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- save_format: str, default: None
Provide a format for the exported plot, if not declared in save_fig.
An iterable of multiple formats may be provided. In this case the save command will be repeated for each element.
- pty_update_layout: dict, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass keyword arguments to plotly’s fig.update_layout(**pty_update_layout) Thus, take full control over
- pty_custom_func: function, default: None
PLOTLY ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the plotly graphs. Function must accept fig and return fig.
>>> def pty_custom_func(fig): ... fig.do_stuff() ... return fig
- mpl_custom_func: function, default: None
MATPLOTLIB ONLY. Pass a function reference to further style the matplotlib graphs. Function must accept fig, ax and return fig, ax.
Note: ax always has row and col coordinates, even if the plot is just 1x1.
>>> def mpl_custom_func(fig, ax): ... fig.do_stuff() ... ax[0, 0].do_more() ... return fig, ax
- Returns:
- interplot.Plot instance
magic_plot decorators¶
- interplot.magic_plot(core, doc_decorator=None)¶
Plot generator wrapper.
Your function feeds the data, the wrapper gives control over the plot to the user.
- Parameters:
- doc_decorator: str, optional
Append the docstring with the decorated parameters.
By default, the global variable _DOCSTRING_DECORATOR will be used.
>>> @interplot.magic_plot ... def plot_lines(samples=100, n=10, label="sigma={0}, mu={1}", fig=None): ... """ ... Plot Gaussian noise. ... ... The function must accept the `fig` parameter from the decorator. ... """ ... for i in range(1, n+1): ... fig.add_line( ... np.random.normal(i*10,i,samples), ... label=label.format(i, i*10), ... )
>>> plot_lines(samples=200, title="Normally distributed Noise")
>>> plot_lines( ... samples=200, interactive=False, title="Normally distributed Noise")
- interplot.magic_plot_preset(doc_decorator=None, **kwargs_preset)¶
Plot generator wrapper, preconfigured.
Your function feeds the data, the wrapper gives control over the plot to the user.
- Parameters:
- doc_decorator: str, optional
Append the docstring with the decorated parameters.
By default, the global variable conf._DOCSTRING_DECORATOR will be used.
- **kwargs_preset: dict
Define presets for any keyword arguments accepted by Plot.
Setting strict_preset=True prevents overriding the preset.
>>> @interplot.magic_plot_preset( ... title="Data view", ... interactive=False, ... strict_preset=False, ... ) ... def line( ... data, ... fig, ... **kwargs, ... ): ... fig.add_line(data) ... ... line([0,4,6,7], xlabel="X axis")
[matplotlib figure, “Data view”]
NotebookInteraction Parent Class¶
- class interplot.NotebookInteraction¶
Parent class for automatic display in Jupyter Notebook.
Calls the child’s show()._repr_html_() for automatic display in Jupyter Notebooks.
(*args, **kwargs)Calls the or self.plot() method.
- _repr_html_()¶
Call forward to
- _repr_mimebundle_(*args, **kwargs)¶
Call forward to
ShowDataArray, ShowDataset¶
- class interplot.ShowDataArray(data, default_sel=None, default_isel=None)¶
Automatically display a xarray.DataArray in a Jupyter notebook.
If the DataArray has more than two dimensions, provide default sel or isel selectors to reduce to two dimensions.
- Parameters:
- data: xarray.DataArray
- default_sel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the DataArray by label. Can be a slice or the type of the dimension.
- default_isel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the DataArray by integer count. Can be a integer slice or an integer.
(*args, **kwargs)Calls the or self.plot() method.
(*args[, sel, isel])Show the DataArray.
- plot(*args, sel=None, isel=None, **kwargs)¶
Show the DataArray.
- Parameters:
- sel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the DataArray by label. Can be a slice or the type of the dimension. If None, default_sel will be used.
- isel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the DataArray by integer count. Can be a integer slice or an integer. If None, default_isel will be used.
- Returns:
- Plot.fig
- _repr_html_()¶
Call forward to
- _repr_mimebundle_(*args, **kwargs)¶
Call forward to
- class interplot.ShowDataset(data, default_var=None, default_sel=None, default_isel=None)¶
Automatically display a xarray.Dataset in a Jupyter notebook.
Provide a default variable to display from the Dataset for automatic display. If the Dataset has more than two dimensions, provide default sel or isel selectors to reduce to two dimensions.
- Parameters:
- data: xarray.DataArray
- default_var: str, optional
Select the variable of the Dataset to display by label.
- default_sel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the Dataset by label. Can be a slice or the type of the dimension.
- default_isel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the Dataset by integer count. Can be a integer slice or an integer.
(*args, **kwargs)Calls the or self.plot() method.
(*args[, var, sel, isel])Show a variable of the Dataset.
- _repr_html_()¶
Call forward to
- _repr_mimebundle_(*args, **kwargs)¶
Call forward to
- plot(*args, var=None, sel=None, isel=None, **kwargs)¶
Show a variable of the Dataset.
- Parameters:
- var: str, optional
Select the variable of the Dataset to display by label. If None, default_var will be used.
- sel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the DataArray by label. Can be a slice or the type of the dimension. If None, default_sel will be used.
- isel: dict, optional
Select a subset of a the DataArray by integer count. Can be a integer slice or an integer. If None, default_isel will be used.
- Returns:
- Plot.fig